Raised in Los Angeles, Donald Samson spent the first twelve years of his adult life respectively in a Greek fishing village, a small, lakeside German border town, and finally in the Bernese Alps of Switzerland. These years served as a counterbalance to his mega-urban childhood. For the past thirty-four years he has lived with his family along the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains.

Mr. Samson has taught and mentored in Waldorf Schools since 1989. He was a Waldorf class teacher for nineteen years, and his teaching experience spans grades 1-12. In 2013, he began mentoring teachers, working in Colorado with both private as well as public Waldorf charter schools.

Mr. Samson welcomes your friendly reviews and questions. You can contact him at thestartrilogy@aol.com

The Star Trilogy series and The Yonder have garnered numerous awards. Among them are:

The Dragon Boy
Gold Medal Winner of the 2009
Moonbeam Children's Book Award for Best First Book

The Dragon of Two Hearts
Silver Medal Winner of the 2010
Moonbeam Children's Book Award for Young Adult Fantasy

The Dragon, the Blade and the Thread
Bronze Medal Winner of the 2011
Moonbeam Children's Book Award For Young Adult Fantasy

2012 Colorado Book Award Finalist
For Young Adult Literature

The Yonder

2022 Grand Prize Finalist

2022 Honorable Mention in Young Adult Fiction

Eric Hoffer Book Award

Bronze Medal Winner of the 2022
Moonbeam Children's Book Award For Young Adult Fantasy