Fear Not; We are always near.

    We are messengers, but you must prepare yourself to receive the message.

    We are always present with our attention on you. Where is your attention?

The Messengers have played a unique role throughout Near-Eastern and Western spiritual and religious history. The term comes from the Hebrew word Malach, which translates as Messenger, whether a human or a spirit being. When the Greeks translated the Holy Scriptures of the Jews, they used the Greek word for messenger, Angelos. When a Latin version was made, they could have translated from the Greek accurately, using the Latin word for messenger, nuntius, from which we have the cognates announce and annunciation, but instead, they kept the Greek word, only changing the ending to reflect Latin grammar, thus Angelus. When the Latin was translated into English, this word was adopted and introduced into English as a new word with a new concept: Angel. Imagine what our concept of angels would be if the original meaning of the word had been retained.

An Angel is a Messenger.

If you have come to these pages looking for more information about my books, then return to the home page. I am not writing here about fantasy worlds. However, if angel-lore interests you, then I welcome you to read on.

We inhabit two worlds.

One is the world of sense-perceptions. In other words, we interact using our hearing, vision, smell, taste and touch. These universally acknowledged five senses are supported by a sense for warmth and cold, a sense of balance, of movement, a sense of language, and a sense of self.

That is our primary world of experience.

The second is a world without sense-perceptions, a supersensory world, or perhaps more accurately phrased, a suprasensory world, the Spirit World.

It is nearly impossible to get a sense for this suprasensory world, because not only do we not have language to accurately describe it, but we cannot perceive it with our customary senses. It cannot be heard, seen, smelled, tasted or touched. It can be felt, but not with the sense of touch as we normally experience it. That makes it tricky. Those who have achieved the ability to perceive it describe it as a pressure on the soul. Right there is the challenge: pressure on a part of our being that has no physical correlation. Other descriptions portray it as a pressure on the chest, at the heart, even feeling wrapped in an unfamiliar, undefinable energy field.

Now here is something that may surprise you.

We spend approximately 2/3 of our lives in the world of sense-perceptions.

We spend roughly 1/3 of our lives in the suprasensory world, in the Spirit World.

We spend on average 2/3 of every 24-hour day in the world of sense-perception.

We spend on average 1/3 or every 24-hour day in the Spirit World.

You have likely already guessed that I am referring here to the alternation between waking and sleeping.

This view of the human being does not originate with me. I am relying on the writings and teachings of Rudolf Steiner and from the field of what he termed Spiritual Science.

We all have no difficulty agreeing that

The sense-perceptive world is real.

However, how can we come to the certainty that

The suprasensory world is real.

Is it truth or fantasy?

We spend time in both throughout our lives, throughout every day.

If it were true, wouldn’t I remember?

When we travel in the Spirit World while asleep, Greater Forces shield us from consciously perceiving what we experience there. Apparently, we are not ready for impressions that would disorient our consciousness anchored in sense-perceptions.

In addition, our consciousness is dedicated to perceiving sense perceptions. We do not have the “senses” or the language to speak about non-sense related perceptions. They seem like nonsense to us.

However, Steiner assures us, we can train ourselves to maintain consciousness in that realm and perceive what we encounter there, but only after undergoing a rigorous esoteric training. This training is outlined by Steiner in various works, and directly addressed in his book, How to Know Higher Worlds. There are no great secrets to the process, but that does not make it any less daunting. He writes about educating our thoughts, feelings and moods. For instance, we must learn to cultivate a sense of reverence, forego judging others, and develop a calm inner life. Nothing unattainable, but it does require focused inner work, not a priority in our culture of critically finding fault in others and striving after earthly success and happiness. Then add to that our culture’s tendency toward distraction and entertainment. Just the same, it is well worth the effort to strive for access to the Spirit World.

You might ask, Why is it desirable?

In the course of our lives, perhaps monthly, or even weekly, depending on the nature of our tasks in the world, we find ourselves presented with questions, decisions, and problems which our daytime consciousness struggles to resolve, often failing, leaving us frustrated and incomplete. It could be related to our profession, to our intimate relationships, to our health, as well as destiny questions. When the solution to our question or problem is not evident in the world of sense-perception, we can turn to the supersensory world for support. In such moments, we turn to our nighttime consciousness.

Even if we do not attain consciousness in our sleep life, we can all receive answers to our befuddling questions. Although challenging at first, we can all develop this skill.

Our human and cultural belief that there is a world in which there are beings who are greater than us, deserve our respect, admiration and gratitude, as well as beings that instill absolute horror in us, we see reflected in the love of fantasy worlds in book form but also flashing across the screen in movie theaters and in our homes. We may have turned away from the esoteric teachings of religions, but something inside us knows that there are beings greater than we are, and we feel a longing to connect with them. For some of us, we look to Spirit Beings. Others see them in the aliens of UFOs. It comes down to the same. We are not alone, and they hold secrets we would like revealed to us.

If you feel spoken to, then I invite you to read on.

The Messengers speak to us, but can we hear them?

When you have found yourself doing something that was not part of your plan for that day, turning down an isle in the store, or a street that you had no intention of going down, and as a result of this detour encountered something or someone that made a difference in your life that day, then you were listening to the message of the Messenger.

Some of us are in the habit, when driving into town where a parking place can be hard to find, of sending out a little affirmation that a place will be waiting for us. The guidance that brought you to find that empty spot was likely your personal Messenger.

But the Messengers can do so much more than find us parking places!

We are just not accustomed to listening to them.

I have begun the practice of listening to them.

I am a messenger of the Messengers.

I am not alone. Many have come before me. Many are here now. Many will follow after me.

We each strive to speak as purely as possible what we have heard, yet each of us has been raised in a different tradition, language, culture, religion, life-philosophy and, in spite of our most conscientious efforts, these are the filters through which we hear the messages. So seek the human messenger who speaks the words that ring most true for you.

I share with you what they have shared with me and I invite you to read on until you have learned to hear them yourselves. You can achieve that. More and more of us must achieve that for the sake of the evolution, not only of our human species, but surprisingly, of the Spirit World itself.

The Messengers speak:

We have no physical substance.

We are woven light.

The light is not static, but constantly streaming and weaving complex matrices.

That we are of Light is why you cannot see us, although we are always with you.

Did you know that light is invisible? This is a fact out of physics: Light is invisible. The source of light is visible, of course, but once light streams forth from that source, it cannot be seen until it reflects off of something solid. Go into your backyard tonight with a flashlight. Turn the flashlight on, and it will illuminate what the light strikes. But the beam of light is invisible, unless there is smoke or water vapor in the air.

Did you know that the night sky is saturated with light?

That sounds silly, doesn’t it? You know from experience that the sky is black and dark at night. Then why do we say that it is full of light?

Because light is invisible, and there is nothing for the light to reflect off of.


Until the moon rises, and suddenly you can see the light of the sun reflecting off of the surface of the moon.

Or until a satellite passes by, and you see the sun’s reflection off of it. Satellites have no light of their own.

It is the same with the visible, wandering planets: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. When you have located them in the night sky, the light they emit is not their own. It is the light of the sun reflecting off of their surface or atmosphere.

Perhaps you have seen photos of the earth from outer space. The earth does not shine of its own accord. It is illuminated because it reflects the light of the sun.

We are pure light.

Light and consciousness.

We are not the source of the light. That is why you cannot see us, because, since we are made of light, we are invisible. When daylight shines upon us, we have no substance to reflect, so we normally remain invisible to your physical eyes. We are always with you, around you, but you cannot see us, because light is invisible.


Until you direct the light of your clear, undistracted consciousness on us. It takes practice, but you can do this. Then you can see us. Not with your earthly eyes, but with your inner eyes, with your consciousness. Then you can hear us, and we can speak with you. As we are doing right now.

Your body consists of the minerals of the earth. After your death, it will break down, decompose, and return to the earth from which it was fashioned. When you die, your body returns to the earthly elements from which it was made. This is the rule of nature for every living organism. Each is formed from the substances of the earth, thrives for a period of time, and after death, the earth claims its substance again. This is the orderliness of the incarnated world and true for every living organism.

However, for human beings, it is essential for you to know that there is more occurring at death than the dissolution of your earthly parts.

Just as your physical substance returns to the earth,

Your spirit returns to the Spirit World.

Your spirit, your consciousness, unlike the dense materials of your body, is also woven light, and after the death of your body, it will merge once again with the light of the spirit world. You know this is true. Look within and you will find the truth of your two realities. Your physical form, that is of the earth, and like all earth life, lives for a time, thrives, engages in productive work, reproduces, weakens with age, and then dies. Yet you feel that there is an incomprehensible part of you that will never die, that never ages, that is always there, and always will be there. That is your spirit. It will live on beyond the life of the body. It will live on to take on another body in the distant future, just like in the morning after a night’s sleep, you put on fresh clothing.

Your body is the clothing your spirit wears. When your clothing becomes worn and torn, you discard it. So does your spirit with your earthly body. When it becomes worn with use and age, when it becomes damaged beyond repair, the spirit casts off the body in preparation to take on a new one, just as you purchase new clothing.

However, your spirit does not inhabit a new body immediately after the end of a life on earth. The spirit has a task before it can take on another human form. It must go through a process of purification and learning. It is not enough to merely return to the manifested earth. Your spirit needs time to ponder the life just ended, to contemplate and learn from a life-time of choices, both the well-considered ones and the unfortunate ones, and all your experiences, in order to set new goals, to make new resolutions. Then, when it is time to return, the spirit picks up where it left off, to put into practice the lessons it learned from the last lifetime and pondered over during the time between death and a new life.

You are on this earth, in this life, for a purpose.

This is not your first time here. It is highly unlikely that it will be your last.

This raises the question, why are you here? Why do you return repeatedly?

Some of you are able to develop a sense for your purpose, an inner understanding what you have come to do in this lifetime.

Others feel utterly lost.

Many of you are satisfied just to enjoy the pleasures of living: to eat, to interact, to love, to hate, to help, to experience the passions ranging from joy to despair, to find satisfying work, to procreate, to raise children, cultivate a rich family life, rarely questioning if there is some greater purpose you should consider. There is nothing wrong with this, as long as you resist being drawn to follow darker forces that lead to the extremes of obsession, addiction, and seeking to limit or control the freedom of others.

Yet there are others who ponder deeply throughout their lives whether there is a purpose to being alive, and strive to find a deeper meaning beyond interacting, loving, hating, helping, earning a living, following a profession, expressing passions, procreation, raising children, embracing family and tribe. They strive to be guided by ethical behavior toward the earth, toward others, and toward all life form.

Then there is every nuance of attitude in-between.

If you are among those who feel a responsibility, a drive to discover your purpose in life, and struggle with feeling lost and inadequate, do not worry.

This is normal. It is all right to fret, to panic, to feel completely at a loss. We are speaking now to you because we want you to know that all of those negative feelings are helpful in guiding you to finding your purpose. If you are not uncomfortable, desperate even, you will not move on from the stuck place you are in. That is a rule in the physical world: pain begets change.

We are speaking with you so you do not despair. Be at peace that you are struggling to find your life’s path. Shoulder the task earnestly. We are here to help you find it. We may not outright tell you, but we do nudge you along the way, give hints, cause you to stumble across it. However, it is up to you to recognize it and embrace it.

 Are you looking to the outside world to find your purpose? It is unlikely that you will not find it there. The outer world of physical phenomena is there for your schooling. You have much to learn in the course of a life, particularly in your relationships with others, how you treat them, how you interact with them, how you speak to them, how you think about them. Yes, even how you think about another affects their well-being, and in the end, speaks as loudly as your actions about who you truly are.

That is because the answer to your purpose is within you, and once you find it, you live it out in the physical world, in other words, what you choose to do outwardly, schools who you are inwardly, and it is this inner person you are cultivating.

“But there is nothing there!” you cry out. “I look inside and there is no purpose there! No guiding light!”

That is because you live in a culture that does not want you to look within. That is why the physical world is often referred to as Maya, illusion, or better stated: distraction. The physical phenomena are constantly drawing you out of yourself and demanding your attention. Buy this, eat here, watch that, what’s streaming, listen to this piece of music, text me, call me, let’s go out, what’s new, when’s the game, let’s watch a movie, let’s take a trip, it’s boring here, I’m bored, you’re boring.

You will find your purpose once you are able to stop distracting yourself, once you silence the distraction of the world around you. You are caught in an addiction to distraction, and you think it is normal.

It is not normal.

The silence and the sounds of nature are normal.

Birdsong is normal.

The wind in the trees is normal.

The chirping of crickets in the night is normal

The sound of rain is normal.

Thunder is normal!

The constant chatter in your head is also normal, but this one you must learn to silence so that you can be enfolded by the silence and the sounds around you. You want to learn to get past the doorkeeper of the chattering mind. Beyond that door is inner silence. And once you have found it, we will fill it with what you need to know. But you must learn patience. At first, you must grow accustomed to hearing the silence and feeling how it is different from all your other sense-experiences.

If you are in some way like me, when I was told this, I wondered, How in the world do I go about silencing the chatter in my head? It dominates every minute of my day! It chatters while I am falling asleep. My dreams are a continuation of that chatter. I awake to the chatter. It never stops! My Guides left me to figure this out on my own. Perhaps you are more fortunate and have been given guidance. Perhaps it came to you more easily, more naturally, than it does to me. I assumed that if they told me outright, I would not take as diligently to it as if I had come upon it myself. Until I had hungered to achieve it. After all, as a teacher, I learned early on that telling my students what I wanted them to know rarely succeeded in them learning the information. I had to get them engaged in wanting to know and figuring it out for themselves, of course with guidance from me. That always worked. So I do have some trepidation of short-circuiting your path by sharing my own. Just the same, I believe I would have been grateful to have heard this from a fellow traveler along the Path.

In the end, it is obvious. Once I recognized that I gravitate toward the many forms of self-distraction that our culture provides, it was up to me to turn to the distractions with consciousness. In other words, be very aware that right now I have chosen to distract myself. Do not lose sight of my goal, and return to it once my need to sidestep has been satisfied. Eventually, this turns into making the choice to resist the distraction altogether. Writing about that is easy. Actually doing it involves repeated encounters with failure.

But failure is good. We do not learn much from our successes. We always learn from our failures. We do not want to shy away from failing. It is through failing that we grow resilient, learn persistence, and the longer the failure, the sweeter the taste of success will be. Until we come to the next challenge and cycle of failed attempts. The lesson is to never stop striving.

I had the good fortune to be led by a fellow traveler to look into one of the many online meditation supports. I had never learned to meditate. In spite of growing up in the 1960’s, meditating had never spoken to me, and I never tried it out, not even an introduction, even though I had and still have friends who regularly meditate

 Today one can buy soundtracks of various forms that help overcome the mind chatter with soothing, rhythmic soundscapes. I used one of them for a time as a stepping stone. I was ripe when, at that point, my wife introduced me to an undirected, silent meditation coming at the end of a series of yogic poses and breathing exercises. That provided a breakthrough for me. I still struggle, I still fail--repeatedly--but I am clear what I have to do, and the responsibility is all mine. To sum it up, in the end, I had to find my own path, and so must you. It is nothing more than taking the path your heart resonates with and committing to it, as the Angelic Guides say, with earnestness.

It was at this point that I added prayer. I knew it would be important—I had a yearning to pray—but I did not have a language for prayer that was not deeply connected with a mainstream religion, and I found the added baggage in the language distracting. I had an inspiration to turn to my Guides and ask them for guidance what form my prayer could take. They did not disappoint me. I discovered that the Guides encourage us to pray more. They support that we formulate in words and quantify in feelings what we want to change in our lives.

Here is a personal prayer, my gift to you. Use it or not, change it to fit your needs and your expression. Let your inner guidance lead you to the phrasing that connects you to Spirit. A written prayer is a foundational scaffolding from which you delete what does not speak to you, and add what is missing for your soul’s completion.

O, angelic Light

My Spirit Companion,

Given to guide and instruct me on this earthly path,

Brighten my spirit senses that I might understand Thy words and feel Thy Ever-Present embrace.

Strengthen my resolve to turn away from temptation, distraction, misdirection and addictive behaviors.

Help me to quiet the chattering voice in my head.

Guide me to find the work I have yet to complete, the tasks that I still have to shoulder, and to meet the people I have yet to engage with, all in accordance with my destiny,

Show me the ways in which I might be of benefit to others.

Be a luminous presence in my soul that I might meet all people with kindness, gentleness, compassion, tolerance, warmth and generosity of heart. Guard my thoughts and my speech from unkind words, for they hinder me on my way.

Imbue my decisions with decisiveness and follow-through, and strengthen me with the courage to face that which I still must encounter while I inhabit this life.

Do this so that I may make the best use of the time I have left to learn the lessons that can only be learned while in a body for my own betterment and the advancement of life on earth as well as for those in the Spirit World.

Do this for the sake of the many lifetimes you have been with me, my Cosmic Companion, for the sake of this present lifetime, and for the sake of those that are yet to come. Please, continue to support me in my striving to weave into my daily, earthly consciousness the realization and recognition of spirit and the lessons it teaches us. Help me to shift my consciousness so that I truly view the forms of nature around me as manifested spirit, and fill me heart with wonder.


Another prayer offering, if you are in pain and suffering:

O, angelic Bearers of Healing, be witness to my suffering. I am in pain and can no longer—be specific—Please, be gracious and heal me, or lead me to those who can support my healing, so that I may continue to act as a faithful servant of Divine Will and live out my karmic destiny. However, if my ailment is a manifestation arising out of my karmic destiny, bring me awareness so that I may work on it with consciousness. I beseech Thee, Angel of God, strengthen me that I may bear the pain with fortitude, so that I can live as an example to others how to patiently bear that which is sent to purify me of my past deeds. Amen

That is a brief introduction to my path. Yours will be your own, with similarities and differences. Go and find it. Now. Cultivate actively a relationship with Spirit, and follow it earnestly.


If you fail to seek us and fall prey to your distractions, to the Maya of the incarnated world, it is not bad; it is not good. It is what is. Every generation, every age, every culture has its own distractions. For some, for many, it is the simple struggle to keep yourself and your family safe, fed, a roof over your heads and the heat and electricity running. The struggle for survival has been present since living beings first walked on the earth. It has not gone away. Then you have added to that struggle a multitude of layers of distraction, related to work and relationships. These distractions are yours, your personal gift to struggle with.

You are the deciding factor. You, and you alone have the power to free yourself from the addiction to all the distractions you have acquired in your life. Many struggle with a substance addiction such as tobacco, alcohol, drugs, soda, sugar, junk food. Others are impeded by emotional addiction and relationship dependency, or a sex addiction, a work addiction, a social addiction, and the many other opportunities you have to distract yourself from looking in the one place that will free you from all your addictions: Within.

Come to the silence within.

We are waiting for you.

I offer you to consider that we go through life in our consciousness believing in a false polarity. We believe that there are—at least—two worlds: the incarnated world and the spirit world. I ask you to set that belief aside for a moment and consider the possibility that there is only one continuous world: the Spirit World. The material world represents the densest form that Spirit can appear in. It is Spirit manifested in physical forms. Consider the crystals, the metals and the rocks. Nothing in the physical world is denser than crystals metals and rocks. Where did they come from? Spirit manifested them. Spirit is vibrational frequency. The lower the vibrational frequency, the denser the matter. The higher the vibrational frequency, the more complex the vibrations, the more insubstantial it becomes. The beings of what we call the Spirit World vibrate at a very high frequency, forming very complex matrices, which is why we, operating at a much lower frequency, have such a difficult time perceiving them. When our focus is on excesses in food, passions, addictions and distractions, it is impossible. However, when we raise our vibrational frequency through a moderate diet, disciplined behavior and mediation, we can begin to perceive the Spirit Beings who lower their frequency in order to communicate with us—such as they are doing at this moment so that I can write to you about this. There are not two realities, Incarnated World and Spirit World. There is One World order operating at a multitude of vibrational frequencies and complexities. We know this as a scientific fact in relation to sound and color. There are sounds we cannot hear, but other beings, such as dogs and cats, can. There are colors beyond the spectrum of the rainbow, but we cannot perceive them with our vision. This alone is a demonstration that our perception is limited by the spectrum of vibrational frequencies at which we operate. Then it becomes natural for us to say, if I cannot perceive it, perhaps it does not exist. Instead, I urge us to say, since I know that there are realities that I cannot yet perceive, what can I do to raise my perception of those frequencies?

If you would like to watch an online presentation I made on The Angelic Presence, follow this link: Front Range Anthroposophical Cafe - FRAC : Donald Samson (10/18/24) on Vimeo

That is not all. If this speaks to you, if it offers answers to questions you have long pondered, check back at a later time, as more shall follow