The Dragon Boy has an imaginative, adventurous quality … while upholding archetypes that speak at a deeper, moral level. This is much needed in our world these days to meet boys in a positive, healthy way. The author's use of language is age-appropriate, enlivening and descriptive which allows for fluent reading while being introduced to new words. Appropriate for the target age of 4th grade and up.
Kelly Morrow, M Ed
Elementary School Teacher
Reading Specialist/Therapeutic Educator
Once again I have discovered a children's author who speaks universal truths that can serve as a guide to help navigate this complex world. The Dragon Boy is a delight for young readers with strong role models, soulful images, and just enough action to make it spicy and adventuresome. For those of us who search for symbol and metaphor to meet those parts of ourselves that need taming, his book provides a model of how to nurture and attend to our inner worlds … I look forward to the sequels.
Sage Hamilton
Thirty-year teaching veteran in conventional, Waldorf, and
alternative education.
I just finished reading The Dragon Boy and thought that this book deserved a round of applause. Donald Samson put more than his heart into this book. This book was truly amazing and brought me to a fantastical world I have not been to in many years. The end however is by far what made me feel the way I do about this book. I thought the final two chapters were wonderful, inspiring, and heartwarming. It gave me a joyous feeling and I am very excited for the sequel.
A Kid's Review
The Dragon Boy was engaging from cover to cover; full of wonders, adventures, surprises and magic! It will capture the imagination of any child or adult that picks it up and gets started. I couldn't put it down!
Dorothea Altgelt
Elementary School Teacher
This was a well written coming-of-age story which held my 10 year old son's attention (which is difficult for a non-anime book as he really likes the pictures). It was fun to read together. I liked it, too.
The Dragon of Two Hearts
For a quick summary of the book's essence, I offer this:
An old Indian grandfather was telling his young grandson that there is a battle between two wolves that live within you.
One wolf is evil and has anger, envy, sorrow, regrets, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, superiority, and ego.
The other wolf is good and has joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, empathy, generosity, faith, courage, honor and integrity.
The grandson asked his grandfather, "Which one wins"?
The old Indian simply replied, "The one you feed".
The story which you are weaving is so delicious, rich for different ages, and extremely captivating.
Griet, Selki, and Leander
I loved the The Dragon of Two Hearts. I loved the journey of knight Michael in his dragon quest. I could not put down this adventure fantasy story.
Neshama Abraham
Writer and Mother
This book looks great, feels great, and is an entertaining and suspenseful read. It's everything a heroic fantasy novel should be!
Jim Barnes,
Moonbeam Awards Director
The Dragon, the Blade and the Thread
In The Dragon, the Blade and the Thread, Donald Samson completes an epic tale that just might become a classic. Combining adventure, suspense and coming-of-age themes with skilled word-crafting and deep life lessons, the author captivated my wife and me and escourted us on a wonderful journey. While young readers will naturally jump into the story and identify with the characters, for me, as a senior citizen, I can easily imagine myself being thoroughly absorbed in the content and presentation of these books at any period of my life. Future readers - you're in for a special treat.
Michael Davis
Psychologist, Counseling Children and Young Adults
The Yonder
I read it with my fifth grader and I am not sure who enjoyed it more. We laughed and cried and cared deeply about your characters and their struggles. I loved how human they were. I am always looking for stories for my kids that have struggles and challenges, and where through strength, faith, good humor, and integrity they find their way. We need those triumphant tales more than ever. We need to see how to face real and difficult challenges with courage, heart, and strong minds, and prevail. Thank you for contributing such beauty to our world.
Ellen Boeder, Mother and Psychotherapist